You Are Not Alone!
The Norman Family Support Network
is a support group and community resource for any parent, guardian, caregiver, provider, or educator that have or interact with children who have ANY disability.

We are not a disability specific group.
A child does not need to have a diagnosis or an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) in place for you to join us at a meeting or contact us.

If you suspect a disability, are new to the world of Special Education, or a seasoned “pro”, we would love to hear from you!
The primary focus of the Norman Family Support Network is education of the Federal Special Education laws (IDEA: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Section 504: Civil Rights Law, and similar). We want to help parents form a productive relationship with their child’s school while understanding the correct process and procedures under the law. We want to see children obtain the most appropriate education, regardless of their disabilities or learning differences.
Our goal is to provide families with the support that they need!

Monday, August 31, 2009

More American children suffer long-term life-harm as a consequence of reading difficulties than from parental abuse(1), accidents, and all other childhood diseases and disorders com...bined. In purely economic terms, reading related
13 videos segments outlining the dimensions of the reading crisis and its individual and collective costs